讲座预告 | 人大国际知识产权前沿论坛第二期
地点: 中国人民大学明德法学楼725室
主题:Global IP Strategy and Management
Professor Yun Sunhee, Law School, Hanyang University;President, Korea Intellectual Property Society
Professor Yun Sunhee got his LL.D. degree at Kobe University,Japan. He is now an Intellectual Property Law professor at Hanyang University, Korea. He also serves as the President of Korean Intellectual Property Society, the President of Academic Institute of Culture Contents and Law, the President of Korea Industrial Property Law Association and the President of Koreanassociation of Arbitration Studies.
Associate Prof Zhang Jiyu, Law and Technology Institute,Law School, Renmin University of China
Kim Won-oh, Professor, Law School, Inha University; President,Korean Trademark Association: Vice President,Korea Intellectual Property Society
Xiao Youdan, Professor, Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Si Chunlei, Research Fellow, Zhejiang University
Wan Yong, Professor of Law School, Director of Research Center for Technology Transfer and Investment, Law and Technology Institute, Renmin University of China