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Prof. Liu Pinxin Gave a Lecture in the 91st Session of the Professor Sharon: Big Data Justice-the Modernization Transformation


At noon on October 12th, 2017, the 91st session of the Professor Sharon of Renmin Law School was held in room 601 of Mingde Law Building. The theme of the Sharon is “Big Data Justice-the Modernization Transformation of Chinese Rule of Law”. It was chaired by Prof. Liu Pinxin and presided over by Prof. Li Xuejun. The present members also included professors of Renmin Law School, Tang Weijian, Li Xuejun, Mo Yuchuan, Yao Hui, Du Huanfang, Zhangxiang, Zhou Ke, Liu Jihua, Li Fenfei, associate professors Jiang Dong, Ding Xiaodong, Wang Ying, Zhang Jiyu, assistant professors Liu Xiaodan, Zhangwenliang, the deputy secretary of CPC, Yan Fang, and dozens of students of law school.


At the beginning of the Sharon, Prof. Li Xuejun sincerely welcomed the arrival of the teachers and students while introducing the theme and background of the report that would be given by Prof. Liu Pinxin. Next, Prof. Liu gave a detailed report on the following points during a period of nearly two hours: the reason why we should pay attention to and promote big data justice, the exploration and developing tendency of domestic law-enforcement organ’s carrying out big data justice, especially the widespread influence and the transformation of the rule of law triggered by big data justice.

After the report, Prof. Li Xuejun made a brief summary of it while Prof. Zhou Ke gave a positive evaluation to Prof. Liu Pinxin as well as his research achievement on big data. Aimed at Prof. Mo Yuchuan’s two questions concerning big data and big data justice, Prof. Liu responded them respectively and Prof. Li gave an added explanation.

Finally, Prof. Li, on behalf of Renmin Law School, endowed Prof. Liu with the professor Sharon memorial card.

This session of the Professor Sharon has provoked ponderation among the participants.

(Editor: Qu Yinsheng)