下载FirefoxDing Xiaodong: Network Neutrality and Platform Neutrality - Network Architecture and Platform Responsibility under the Vision of Neutrality
2024.04.28YE Chuanxing, YAN Wenguang - Current Situation, Problems, and Relief Path of China’s Cross Border Data System
2024.04.10Chen Jinghui - How to read the classics of law
2024.04.07Ding Xiaodong- Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Copyright: Jurisprudential Reflections on the Legal Protection of Artificial Intelligence Works
2024.03.12Ding Xiaodong- A Multidimensional Interpretation of the Integration of Public and Private Laws for the Protection of Personal Information
2023.07.27Wan Yong: Intellectual Property Law Responses to Public Health Crises
2022.09.12Personality Rights in China’s New Civil Code: A Response to Increasing Awareness of Rights in an Era of Evolving Technology
2020.12.29Xiong & Farah: Contextualism in WTO Case Law on Mineral Export Restrictions
2020.11.04Robo-Advisers in China: Regulation Approach and Scheme Selection
2020.10.19The Legitimacy and Legislative Proposals of the Reverse Engineering of Software
2019.03.07Formalism and Functionalism in Legal Reasoning: An Exemplary Study of Punitive Damages for Intentional Purchaser
2019.03.07Legal Control of Big Data Investigations
2019.03.07Public Focusing Events as Catalysts: An Empirical Study of ‘Pressure-Induced Legislations’ in China, Journal of Contemporary China, 2017
2019.01.24Algorithm and Discrimination – Viewpoints on Ethics of Algorithm and Interpretation of Law Based on American Cases of Affirmative Action in
2019.01.24Research on the Fair Competition Review of Industrial Policy
2019.01.24New Thinking on Platform Revolution, Gig Economy and Labor Law
2019.01.24International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice